Chalets for Rent in Nouakchott

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Chalets, summer houses, rest houses for rent Browse many ads on the Shi'a website to find what you're looking for at the right price
Apartment For Rent Villas and Houses for Rent Furnished Apartments for Rent Commercial Space for Rent Chalets for Rent Shared Accommodation - Roommate Farms for Rent Offices for Rent
ارض للكراء
Chalets for Rent
Since 6 years

ارض للكراء عند نهاية كدروه ديار تاتا على اليمين طريق الصحراوي

200 MRU
Nouakchott600 Meter11

A chalet worthy of spending the most enjoyable family times, a chalet with the required specifications, such as: green surface, outdoor seating, floor sitting, elevated sitting, gardens with multiple areas and many prices